Sample Preparation Equipment for Universal Testing Machines <---
Sample Preparation Equipment for Universal Testing Machines <---
The Tensilmark is a compact unit designed for gap markers etched on flat or round prepared specimens made from machinable materials.
* Marks are accurately produced on 1 "or 2" centers, within + 0.002 "ASTM tolerances
* A floating steel bar contains two marked steel pins for fast and consistent elongation markings on samples.
* Flat specimens are held in place on the Tensilmark by a positioning bar located in front of the floating steel bar
* The Tensilmark model is designed to mark round specimens, holding the piece to be marked in a pair of "V" blocks.
For those with custom marking requirements, the Tensilmark can be manufactured with special pins for metric measurements, or for longer specimens.
For more information contact us.
For optimal surface finish and contour duplication on your flat specimens, you need carbide cutting tools specifically designed for high-speed machining with Tensilkut..
Sharp point cuts combined with proper cut and emboss angles are essential to achieve the fine cuts required for undeformed specimen edges.
We Handle Solid Carbide Tensilbits for Cutting Metals and Plastics are precision manufactured from the finest micrograin carbide; Carbide-tipped Tensilbits for general purpose metal cutting and Diamond-plated Tensilbits for glass-filled laminates, composites, Kevlar, and similar materials have high-quality tool steel shanks.
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If the standard master templates we have available do not meet your exact requirements, special master templates can be designed to meet almost any test specification, including ISO, JIS, DIN, BS, and EN standards.
For more information contact us.
Test specimens can be prepared from strips ranging in length from 2 "to 24", and width from ¼ "to 6".
A template may include drill sleeves for precision hole possession alignment for temperature testing, or for use with certain gags.
Custom shapes have been designed for longitudinal testing of curved pipe sections, while others have been built to machine specimens from welded sections.
If your testing program requires special measures, or if the samples include one or more of the unusual conditions mentioned above ...
Please send a sketch of the complete part, including tolerances and desired taper, to our ...
Engineering Department to make an appointment.
For more information contact us.
Due to the wide variety of specifications in use around the world for testing different materials, the Tensilkut machine does not include any standard templates. All standard specifications for the Tensilkut machine can be ordered with the Tensilkut machine, or at a later date
To prepare a test sample, a rough sheared or sawn strip that is the full width of the finished sample is inserted into the template between the lower and upper bars, and is not removed from the template until both sides of the sample are fully mechanized. This reduces errors caused by reverse samples, as required by conventional milling.
When the finished specimen is too small to be held safely in a conventional two-sided template, a single-sided template is used.
A specimen that requires machining along its entire length is also prepared with a single-sided jig.
As with the more commonly used double-sided jigs, the plugs blend precisely into the jig bars, eliminating the need for expensive finishes.
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Tensilkut master templates available for test flat specimens according to ASTM, JIS, ISO or other national or international test standards.
Templates are available for the most common metallic and non-metallic physical test specimens, including tensile, flex, tensile-impact and compression standards, for quick turnaround.
For more information contact us.
Here are some samples of the bars cut on Tensilkut machines include ASTM D638 Type I Drawbars, ASTM D412 Die C Drawbars, ASTM D1855 Type L Tensile Impact Samples, ASTM D256 Impact Samples, and ASTM Shear Test Samples D5379.
If you require flat or round drawbars like bending, impact, fatigue,
Tensile, tensile-impact, impact and shear test bars,
You can make the order to us since they are manufactured on Tensilkut machines.
For more information contact us.
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