CALIBUS-Measuring Carbon in Ferrous


CALIBUS CMOS-based LIBS Analyser 

The CALIBUS is the latest in a series of laser-induced breakdown spectrometers (LIBS) from ARUN Technology. It is the first and only CMOS-based LIBS analyser in the market to measure carbon in ferrous. The new CALIBUS is an ideal analytical solution for QA/QC, metallurgical manufacturing and machining, petrochemical industries, mining, scrap metal and recycling.


The CALIBUS has a wide spectrum range of 190nm—800nm. This range can detect more than 20 elements including C, Li, Be, B, Na, Mg, and Si.


The detection speed is fast! Analytical results can be shown in 1 second and efficiency is 10-30 times improved in comparison to other available conventional portable OES spectrometers in the market.


Because of the integrated CMOS technology, the LIBS is able to provide a higher precision test data.


The universal curve function makes it easy to just pick up and start testing straight away. 


The smart phone and tablet interactive interface makes the CALIBUS more convenient to use. It has a 5-inch colour, high resolution touch screen that is protected with a super impact-resistant glass material.