Software for Measurement, CAD Comparison and Reverse Engineering <---              


Impactstar Software

Geomagic Control-X


Geomagic® Control™ is the solution of 3D metrology and most comprehensive, robust and accurate automation platform. For processes of inspection and measuring, testing and quality control, Geomagic Control allows manufacturers to save time and increase significantly the accuracy using non-contact scanning probe with a comprehensive set of tools metrology data, plus the ability to automate complex tasks.


Functions and dimensional inspection probe and Advanced GD & T allow rapid and accurate measurement of the pieces, and Geomagic Control includes intelligent reporting on 3D PDF. The automation platform Geomagic control allows almost all processes, reduce human interaction in recording measurements and reduces measurement time and greatly improves the results of reproducibility and repeatability.

Geomagic Control customers can greatly reduce downtime of the production line as well as increasing and improving the quality of parts during and after manufacture.

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