Verisurf Solution Suites consist of combinations of specialized application modules. All Solution Suites require the powerful CAD module.
We Offer The Following: |
KEY BENEFITS Verisurf CAD is the foundation of all Verisurf suites and makes our software unique in the metrology industry...
Measure part features and complex profile geometries informed by real-time deviation display between CAD and measured data for real-time decisions...
BuildVerisurf BUILD is the industry-leading tool for real-time model-based inspection, tool fabrication, and computer-aided assembly...
AnalyzeSimplifies part inspection through the comparison of measured points, clouds, and meshes, to all CAD file formats...
ReverseVerisurf REVERSE is a complete reverse engineering solution offering innovative tools to create CAD models from points, clouds, and meshes...
AutomateVerisurf AUTOMATE is CMM programming software developed from the ground up to provide a modern user experience that reduces both programming time and cycle run time...